Always updated, info on the latest Nokia mobile phone prices and the price of second HP Nokia per month: February 2010. Nokia mobile phone price list will be updated every month so that the price info at the new Nokia phone is always up-to-date. Hopefully useful yes, please distributed also in case there is need .. :)
Disclaimer: Nokia price list HP listed here only as a guide only, not guaranteed equal to the actual. Latest price info phones Nokia please record, the following:
Nokia N Series
Nokia N97 Mini : Rp. 4.990.000
Nokia N97 : Rp. 5.050.000
Nokia N95 - 8 Gb : Rp. 4.860.000
Nokia N95 - 1 Gb : Rp. 3.960.000
Nokia N86 : Rp. 4.250.000
Nokia N82 : Rp. 3.900.000
Nokia N79 : Rp. 3.575.000
Nokia N78 : Rp 2.600.000
Nokia N73 Music : Rp. 2.875.000
Nokia E Series
Nokia E75 : Rp. 3.200.000
Nokia E72 : Rp. 3.850.000
Nokia E71 : Rp 2.800.000
Nokia E63 : Rp 1.800.000
Nokia E52 : Rp. 2.650.000
Nokia Seri Lainnya
Nokia X3 : Rp. 1.850.000
Nokia 7310 Supernova : Rp. 1.430.000
Nokia 7610 Supernova : Rp. 1.875.000
Nokia 7210 Supernova : Rp. 1.075.000
Nokia 7100 Supernova : Rp. 830.000
Nokia 6760 Slide : Rp. 2.250.000
Nokia 6730 classic : Rp. 2.160.000
Nokia 6720 Classic : Rp. 2.400.000
Nokia 6700 classic : Rp. 2.190.000
Nokia 6600i slide : Rp. 2.410.000
Nokia 6600 Fold : Rp. 1.950.000
Nokia 6303 classic : Rp. 1.250.000
Nokia 6300 : Rp. 1.200.000
Nokia 6260 slide : Rp. 2.600.000
Nokia 6220 classic : Rp. 2.850.000
Nokia 6120 classic : Rp. 1.680.000
Nokia 5800 XpressMusic : Rp. 2.900.000
Nokia 5730 XpressMusic : Rp. 2.825.000
Nokia 5630 XpressMusic : Rp. 2.030.000
Nokia 5530 XpressMusic : Rp. 2.025.000
Nokia 5310 XpressMusic : Rp. 1.545.000
Nokia 5230 : Rp. 1.975.000
Nokia 5130 : Rp. 1.050.000
Nokia 5030 XpressMusic : Rp. 400.000
Nokia 5000 XpressMusic : Rp. 780.000
Nokia 3720 classic : Rp. 1.765.000
Nokia 3600 slide : Rp. 1.540.000
Nokia 3120 classic : Rp. 1.160.000
Nokia 3110 classic : Rp. 800.000
Nokia 2730 classic : Rp. 1.035.000
Nokia 2700 classic : Rp. 880.000
Nokia 2680 : Rp. 730.000
Nokia 2630 : Rp. 640.000
Nokia 2626 : Rp. 400.000
Nokia 2608 CDMA : Rp. 850.000
Nokia 2600 : Rp. 575.000
Nokia 2505 CDMA : Rp. 665.000
Nokia 2330 Classic : Rp. 550.000
Nokia 2228 CDMA : Rp. 1.030.000
Senin, 08 Maret 2010
Mobile price list of new arrivals 2010
Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

IC Power Amplifier (PA)
This component acts as a signal amplifier voltage generated VCO (Voltage Controll Oscilator). If performance is not good components usually result in borosnya battery, because the PA requires substantial resources to strengthen the signal.
Antena Switch / Duplexer
Switch that works automatically to determine the antenna work as Duplexer penggandeng that allows the two sub-systems of the receiving device or sending RF signals to work together through the same antenna as well as the separation between high frequency (DCS 1800 MHz) and low frequency (GSM 900 MHz) .
Filter IC
Act as filters for RF signals in a way to pass the exam frequensy desired frequency and reduce the other to go to the next section, both the signal and the signal went out.
IF Filter IC
A mixer circuit function intermediatte Frequency change the frequency of the filter out to get the VCO frequency difference with frequency as the detector, audio encoder and decoder circuits into the middle frequency.
Signal Processor (RF IC)
Having the most crucial jobs to job processing incoming and outgoing signals and radio waves to separate signals and sound waves. Component that generates pulses of 26Mhz, which is then processed by the RF Processor which then produces the pulse rate of 13Mhz for the system logic on the CPU, for running the baseband digital systems, especially the CPU.
Oscilator Control Voltage (VCO)
VCO there are two kinds for the recipient and the sender's signal. Acts as vibrator (maker) first signal when the CPU began ruled phone to transmit and receive. On Assignment divided VCO waves generated by X-TAL value divided by 26 Mhz and kenilai half of the 13 Mhz and return it to the RF IC to be processed into a wave of RX (Reiceiver) on a scale of 900 MHz and 1800 MHz (for dual band) and 1900 MHz plus (for tri band).
Power Supply IC (UEM)
Sections that govern the distribution voltage electric current to various components obtained from the Battery to be set according to the needs of each of the respective components.
Audio IC (COBBA)
Serves as a signal processor wave materials RX (Reiceiver) and transmits to the X-Tal for conversion to an audio wave to wave a wave of alphanumeric or alphanumeric change to digital audio waves so that the voice sounded clear with the help of the speaker (speakers).
Charging IC
Component that serves as the charging controller of the transformer to the battery charging Mobile.
Switch On / Off
Manual functions as a connective and breaker of a load current. (Switch to turn on and off the phone)
User Interface (UI)
Tools or media that serves as a terminal that regulate other components such as LED lights / ringing and vibrating.
This component is always a system for controlling the driver UI component is commanded from the CPU.
Central Processing Unit (CPU)
The main processor used in devices that can receive information. Serves as executor of the IC and IC Flash RAM that automatically Compare, modify, reduce. Multiply - divide and unite the count information output facility logic - the input by the user and transmitted to the mobile phone LCD as a result can be seen and read.
Random Access Memory (RAM)
Tools to store data temporary memory (memory volitale), where the data will be lost if not electrified (power). to change and usually pengesetannya manually entered by the user device, such as tones, logos, names and addresses.
Eraseable Electrically Programmable Read only memory (EEPROM)
The instrument contains the basic programs for mobile operation performed by the CPU is already in the program by the manufacturer's own mobile phone and can not be changed by the user's mobile phone, except for programming languages and specialized equipment.
Data stored in EEPROM include:
- No. IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identifier)
- Security Code
- ESN (Electronic Serial Number)
- MIN (Mobile Identification Code)
- SID (System Identification Code)
Flash IC
IC FLASH Having functions as data storage that is permanent memory of the phone, which these data will not be lost even if the power of the phone is switched off. Flash IC contains important data such as MCU and PPM, MCU data data contained Operating System (OS), while the PPM data contains data such as Langue Display pack, Ringtones, etc.. Besides MCU and PPM also CP (Content Pack) and the area that stores user data features on the phone such as Applications, Games, Wallpapper, Video, Phone Book, etc.. Any changes or additions melukan memory must use the computer / software.
Infra Red Diode (IR diode)
IR diode transmit / Receive, there are two diodes as transmitter and receiver as a replacement infra red connection cable software. functions to send and receive waves that contain specific data without using cables.
Emited Light Diode (LED)
device that can emit light when an electric current was given.
Flexible Cable
Thin sheet-shaped instrument with a copper plate that can conduct electricity as liaison with the other one and is elastic.
Buzzer / Ringer
The instrument made a sound / voice as the tone / sign.
SIM Reader
Interface with a mobile phone card.
Plug In
Tool that can connect the device battery charging (Charger) to the PCB.
Board connector
These components are usually present in some specific types of mobile phones. In general, phones that have these devices are mobile phones that have two boards (PCBs) and the function of these devices is to connect the two boards.
Read More......
Senin, 22 Februari 2010
Katalog Produk: Software Reload System
Negara Asal: Indonesia
Harga: 15.000.000
Cara Pembayaran: Transfer Bank (T/T)
Kemas & Pengiriman: unit
Keterangan: Reload System
Jual Program software pulsa aplikasi isi pulsa elektrik untuk Dealer ( Reload System ) Fitur : Center YM, Center Host to Host, SMS Center GSM 20 terminal, SMS Sender GSM 50 Terminal, SMS Center CDMA 5 terminal, SMS Sender CDMA Terminal 5 , Pengisian pulsa lewat SMS GSM 5 Terminal, Pengisian pulsa lewat SMS CDMA 5 Terminal, USSD GSM MKIOS 20 Terminal, USSD GSM DOMPET XL 5 Terminal, PC Online Telkomsel 5 Terminal, Mtronik 5 Terminal, Three 5 Terminal, Dompet Esia 5 Terminal, SMS Fisik, SMS Complain, SMS Cek Transaksi, Host to Host ke berbagai tujuan spt Eratel, ArtaJasa, Telesindo, Trikomsel, Arjuna, WinPulsa, Simpatindo, DataCell, Aldira, Inova, Boyzone Reload, MultiChip StarMedia info lengkap lihat di
Tambah ke Keranjang atau
Info Perusahaan
Nokia N97
Harga Baru : Rp. 6.200.000
Harga Second : Rp. 5.600.000
Nokia N96
Harga Baru : Rp. 4.800.000
Harga Second : Rp. 4.000.000
Nokia N95 8GB
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 3.500.000
Nokia N95
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 3.400.000
Nokia N93i
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 2.000.000
Nokia N93
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.700.000
Nokia N92
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.700.000
Nokia N91 Music Edition
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.800.000
Nokia N91
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.200.000
Nokia N90
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.350.000
Nokia N85
Harga Baru : Rp. 3.900.000
Harga Second : Rp. 3.400.000
Nokia N82
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 2.500.000
Nokia N81 8GB
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 2.200.000
Nokia N81
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.750.000
Nokia N80
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.400.000
Nokia N79
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 2.850.000
Nokia N78
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.900.000
Nokia N77
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.600.000
Nokia N76
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. 1.300.000
Nokia N75
Harga Baru : Rp. -
Harga Second : Rp. -
Nokia N73 Music Edition
Harga Baru : Rp. 2.700.000
Harga Second : Rp. 2.000.000
Microsoft Gandeng Asus Siapkan Ponsel?
Raksasa Software, Microsoft telah lama dikabarkan akan meluncurkan ponsel sendiri. Tentunya, ponsel tersebut akan dipersenjatai dengan sistem operasi andalannya, Windows Mobile7. Namun, seperti diberitakan Softpedia, ponsel tersebut tak sepenuhnya didominasi oleh Microsoft. Vendor komputer Asus pun digaet untuk memproduksi ponsel tersebut.
Ponsel tersebut akan menggunakan teknologi layar sentuh dan rencananya akan keluar tahun ini namun, diundur setahun hingga 2011.
Namun hingga sekarang, keduanya baik Asus maupun Microsoft masih bungkam mengenai kemunculan ponsel tersebut.
Ponsel ini dibuat untuk menyaingi Apple iPhone dan Google Android. Microsoft melihat potensi besar dari pasar ponsel yang begitu cepat berkembang.
Minggu, 14 Februari 2010
Advantages And Disadvantages Mobile Made in China
Since the last few years in the Indonesian mobile market is flooded with mobile phones that cost far less and have a very fine design, china mobile phone which is also commonly known as the local mobile phone. Although quite a breath of fresh air for people who have to think about "frugality" in reaching into his pocket to have a cool phone, but this type of phone it has its limitations, the camera resolution is usually not very good and rare china mobile phone equipped with GPRS service and support Java applications ( this makes me a little disappointed). But there are typical kinds of mobile-phone it is interesting to me that the average support 2 sim cards on and even on 3 sim card, for me this is one way of saving for those who need a phone with more than one sim card. Another advantage of the price china mobile phone sideways and some of them already have a tv turner services.
Now for the health aspect, so I made this review I have not received information on whether radiation from mobile china has dangerous levels compared to what other phone. Actually it is very important because it is common knowledge that China's products do have a very good performance can even imitate the electronic products that are well known, such as blackberries are imitated by branded manufacturers Nexian but whether their products are also watching the health standards user? We should remember that some time ago in our country also excited about China's food products such as candy and other snacks containing formalin and perwarna hazardous materials so that we should also be careful when determining the option to buy mobile phones in China.
DCH Okay, apart from the things above, while looking for info on my china mobile to find info from of secret codes, china mobile phone, including the following:
* # 66 * # Set Factory Mode Confirmed
* # 8375 # Show Software Version Confirmed
* # 1234 # A2DP ACP Mode Confirmed
* # 1234 # A2DP INT Mode Confirmed
* # 0000 # + Send: Set Default Language Confirmed
* # 0007 # + Send: Set Language to Russian Confirmed
* # 0044 # + Send: Set Language to Home Confirmed
* # 0049 # + Send: Set Language to Germany Confirmed
* # 0966 # + Send: Set Language to Arabic Confirmed
Code for reset:
* # 77218114 #
* # 881188 #
* # 94267357 #
* # 9426 * 357 #
* # 19912006 #
* # 118811 #
* # 3646633 #
default user code: 1122, 3344, 1234, 5678
Engineer mode: * # 110 * 01 #
Factory mode: * # 987 #
Enable COM port: * # 110 * 01 # -> Device -> Set UART -> PS Config -> UART1/115200
Restore factory settings: * # 987 * 99 #
LCD contrast: * # 369 #
software version: * # 800 #
software version: * # 900 #
set default language: * # 0000 # Send
set Bahasa language: * # 0044 # Send
set Bahasa language (new firmware): * # 001 # Send
for n95 that trips off on making call use
* # 3646633 #
goto misc item 6, and goto amr and press center Botton
Jumat, 12 Februari 2010
Rabu, 10 Februari 2010
Posts Tagged ‘handphone’
This bugs Mobile Tool
- Company Taser, which is generally known for electric stun devices, have created a tool to monitor the use of mobile phones.Taser wants to help the parents to take over the phone settings children.
"Essentially we took the traditional parenting into mobile-paced world," said chairman and founder of Taser, Tom Smith, the consumer electronics show in Las Vegas, Friday (8/1/2010), when the company's new product launches.
"Because by giving your phone to your child, you do not know with whom they talk, SMS, or what images they send, and others," said Smith.
Tool called "Mobile Protector" that can show all the calls and messages out of your child's phone on the screen, then you can listen to the conversation or block certain numbers. The device can be connected to your home phone komputeratau.
"At first you can control completely, but as the children got older and could be trusted then you can begin to loosen control," said Smith.
The device can indicate when an unknown number into your child's phone. "Just one button click you can block the call, or even take over before answering the phone forwarded to your child." While the numbers have entered the list of 'OK' will not raise warning again.
But, according to Smith, when to listen to your child's phone conversation, there will be a warning on a cell phone, too, because this is not a tool for spying, but it requires a two-way cooperation. All the SMS and MMS can also be filtered.
This tool can also disable your kids cell phone for a while. So if your child is one tough choice but told him to take disciplinary action to the room is to disable a cell phone, and you do not have to waste time arguing and fighting again seized his cell phone, just off of the "Mobile Protector" course.
Even the GPS device also allows you to track the presence of children on their cell phones. So in addition to watching your child's behavior, this tool can also be useful in emergencies like to track missing children ..
Teaching Use phone, very cool
High school pupils were sitting waiting for the task from their Spanish language teacher, Ariana Leonard. "Take out your cell phone," he said in Spanish.The teenager was also issued a variety of colorful cell phone, no missed iPhone and Sidekick. They are divided into groups and send them SMS Leonard speak Spanish, "Find something green,"; "Going to the canteen,"; "Berfotolah with the school secretary."
Leonard High School Class of Wiregrass Ranch in Wesley Chapel, the middle-class district in suburban Florida, 30 miles north of Tampa, madalah one class in America who began leaving the old regulations that prohibit cell phone use while studying.
Them, and instead use this technology for learning in the classroom. Vocabulary lesson of Spanish town packed in a hunting game digitally. SMS is also used to remind students to complete homework.
"I can do things with my phone, so why not be used to teach as well?" Said Leonard, "Something like a cell phone in their daily life have fun, to give them new alternatives for learning outside the classroom."
During this very dikhawatrikan that students can use their phones to cheat or taking indecent photographs. But as these technologies become cheaper, more sophisticated, and more ingrained in the lives of the students' mentality began to change as well.
"This use of children's love of the latest technology," said Dan Domevech, director of the nonprofit American Association of School Administrators. "Children are more motivated to use their mobile phone for educational purposes."
The phone is now comparable to a small computer - can check email, do a search on-line, and recording podcasts. While most schools in the area can not provide computers for each student.
"Because of the news of the ban on mobile phones and how negative influences cell phone, most people do not think that the phone can be used in a positive and educational," says Liz Kolb, author of "From Toy to Tool: Cell Phones in Learning" (From Toy to be Tool: phone for Learning).
Even the parties that have anti-cell phone policy is tight also admitted that some day they have to change.
"We can not avoid it," said Bill Husfelt, supervisor of the area schools Bay County, northern areas of Florida where 27.000 students are not allowed to use mobile phones in schools. "But first we must better think of ways to prevent the misuse of mobile phones."
71 percent of teenagers in America have been recorded since the early 2008 mobile phone, according to a survey of the project 'Internet and American Life' by the Pew research center. The percentage is consistent with the variations of race, income, or other demographic factors. While many schools count 'gap-tek' than households that already have an intranet network, wireless internet, and each family member already has a smartphone.
Most schools still restrict the use of mobile phones - and indeed a strong reason. Husfelt supervision in the area, seven students recently dealt for fighting on campus, which is triggered by SMS Husfelt.
In other parts of the United States, some teenagers have been arrested for committing a "sexting" - ie taking indecent photographs and pass it through the phone. The students also use their phones to cheat. In a poll, more than 35 percent of teens admitted to having cheated on my cell phone.
But the phone now so flourishing that trouble for all the teachers confiscated.
"Arresting the phone and deal with the students cause conflicts," said Husfelt, "this is too disturbing."
The teachers who have used the phone in their classroom learning in most students claimed that obey their rules. They are reminded that cheating and fights between students must be with or without a cell phone, and if the phone is allowed, the desire to abuse can be reduced.
"Children can cheat with paper and pen. They exchanged cheat, "said Kipp Rogers, Principal of Passage Middle School, Virginia," the paper certainly can not be prohibited. "
Rogers began to use the phone as a tool in the institution a few years ago, when he taught math classes and lack of a calculator for the exam. He let the students use the phone. 12 classes, including math, science, and English, is now using mobile phones as a tool. The students can do research through
SMS or mobile Internet. The teacher can make blogs (web logs, notes on the website). The students could be using mobile phone cameras to take photos and put them on school work.
Classes are often divided into several groups, in case there are some students who do not have a phone.
In Pulaski, Wisconsin, approximately 210 kilometers north of Milwaukee, a Spanish language teacher, Katie Titler has assigned his students to record their voice on the phone to test discourse.
"Particularly for foreign language lessons, this is very good way to assess the ability of speaking in formal or informal, which are routinely difficult because of the large classes and limited time," explained Titler.
Jimbo Lamb, a mathematics teacher in a school of about Annville-Cleona, in south central Pennsylvania, told the students to answer questions via their mobile phone in an internet poll site. He could instantly know the number of students who understand.
Senin, 08 Februari 2010
Secret Code Mobile Yang [Compulsory] Unknown
This mobile phone secret codes required in the know if it's going to be an expert preak mobile, is also most common in use but should know the term mobile phone, either to counter mobile phone owner, broker or a mobile phone buying guide second. And if the other dissatisfied can be see here. So knowing how to care for mobile phone battery is not enough, especially if you like playing hack mobile phones.
Nokia Access Code
Nokia Access Code
* # 30 #: Displays 'private number' that contact you.
* # 73 #: Reset phone timers and game scores (on some phones).
* # 7780 #: Restore to factory settings (factory setting).
* # 2820 #: Bluetooth device IP address (for mobile phones that have Bluetooth).
xx #: quick access to the names / phone numbers in the phone book mobile phone, such as 20 #.
Button off: Pressing with short, to switch between profiles.
* 3370 #: Enable EFR (Enhanced Full Rate) Codec (not valid on Symbian phones).
# 3370 #: Disabling EFR Codec.
* # 4270 #: Activate Half Rate Codec.
* # 4270 #: Disable Half Rate Codec.
* # 0000 #: Displays the phone software version.
* # 9999 #: alternative code if * # 0000 # does not work.
* # 06 #: Seeing the IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
* # 21 #: Checking the number diverting "All Call" is used.
* # 2640 #: Displays phone security code is used.
* # 43 #: Checking the status of "Call Waiting".
* # 61 #: To check the caller's number is diverted when you are not answered.
* # 62 #: Checking the caller number is diverted when your phone out of reach.
* # 67 #: Checking the caller number is diverted when your phone is busy.
** 21 * number #: Turning on the transfer of "All Call" to the number required.
** 61 * number #: Turning on the transfer of "No Reply" at the number required.
** 67 * number #: Turning on the transfer of "On Bussy" in the number filled.
* # 67705646 #: Changing the logo operator logo on Nokia 3310 and 3330.
* # 746025625 #: Displays the SIM Clock status.
* # 7760 #: Displays the manufacturer code (most of the old type of phone).
* # 92702689 #: Bring Forth: 1. Serial Number, 2. Date Made, 3. Purchase Date, 4. Date of last repair, 5.Transfer user data. Out of this mode must restart the phone (on some phones).
Samsung Access Code:
* # 06 #: Seeing the IMEI number (International Mobile Equipment Identity).
* # 0000 # Reset language back to Indonesia.
> * <<* <*: Service Menu - displays the phone software version. Click "Yes" repeatedly to see all the data the software and press ">" to view all the text contained in the phone.
<* * <: Locking the SIM Card. Sortcuts: 1. Save numbers "Missed Call" in the phone directory. Search for menu "Missed Call", press "Yes" to display the destination number. Press any number (0 to 9), then press "clear" once to block the number, then press and hold "<" to appear "Store", press "Yes". 2. Hiding numbers. After hitting a target number and before pressing the "Yes", press '>' 2 times to select "Hide Id?" And press 'Yes'.
3. Check the battery level when phone off (off).
Click 'No' is faster 1 x and wait until the battery display visible.
4. Save the number in the phone memory (not SIM Card).
Follow the normal procedures to store numbers. When the display to save the visible press '#' time and the desired location, or press '#' 2 times to see the advanced position.
5. Call the number of SMS messages.
Directs the cursor on the written number, then press "Yes".
Appearance Shortcut Picture:
(Valid on most Symbian phones).
When viewing images or pictures in the gallery, press:
1: to rotate the image to the left.
2: to rotate the image to the right.
5 or 7: to enlarge (zoom) images.
*: To view fullscreen or non-fullscreen.
Note: orders above figures may vary by phone.
Hard Reset:
Warning! All mobile data will be lost.
In a phone off (off), press the call button simultaneously (talk), number 3, and the * (star). Then in the third pressing these buttons, press the On button. This trick applies in most Nokia phones.
Additional Update Nokia GSM
Nokia 21xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 3283 # Sunday Production / Month & Year
* # 9999 # Version Software
Nokia 32xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 0000 # Version Software
* # 92702689 # Service Menu
* # 746025625 # Sim Clock Stop
* 3370 # EFR active, clearer sound, the battery quickly drains.
# 3370 # EFR inactive.
* 4720 # HR active, not more clear sound, long-lasting batteries.
# 4720 # HR OFF.
Nokia 51xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 0000 # Version Software
* # 92702689 # Service menu
* 3370 # EFR active, clearer sound, the battery quickly drains.
# 3370 # EFR inactive.
* 4720 # HR active, not more clear sound, long-lasting batteries.
# 4720 # HR OFF.
Nokia 61xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 0000 # Version Software
* # 92702689 # Service menu
* 3370 # EFR active, clearer sound, quickly drains the battery.
# 3370 # EFR inactive.
Nokia 81xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 8110 # software version, date of production and model number
* # 92702689 # Service menu
Nokia 88xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 0000 # Version Software
* # 92702689 # Service Menu
* 3370 # EFR active, clearer sound, the battery quickly drains.
# 3370 # EFR inactive.
Nokia 90xx
Code Explanation
* # 06 # IMEI code
* # 6823711
58412125 # Version Software
* # 3283 # Date of Production
if you want to know about software for charging electrical pulses "RELOAD SYSTEM" see here.
History and Development of Mobile
History and Development of Mobile
This technology began to be used year 1970 that begins with the use of microprocessors for communications technology. And in 1971, the first mobile phone network opened in Finland called AR.Following later NMT in Scandinavia in 1981 and AMPS in 1983. The use of analogue technology in the first generation causes a lot of limitations that have as little traffic capacity, the number of subscribers that can fit in one little cell, and the use of frequency spectrum wasteful.
On the other hand, the increasing number of customers can not accommodate the first generation. In addition, technology can only serve 1G voice communications, unlike 2G can be used for SMS. Or NMT Nordic Mobile Telephone is an analogue mobile phone network first used internationally in Northern Europe. This network operates at a frequency of 450 MHz that is often called NMT-450, there are also NMT-900 that operates at 900 MHz.
Given the market demand and the need for better quality, was born to two-generation technology, or 2G. This generation is using digital technology. Other 2G technologies is the IS-95 CDMA, IS-136 TDMA and PDC. The second generation is also used for voice communications, are also able to SMS and data transfer with a maximum speed of 9600 bps (bits per second). In comparison, the widely used modem for Internet connection speed 56,000 bps (5.6 kbps). Excess 2G than 1G besides a better service, in terms of capacity is also greater. Since the 2G, a single frequency can be used several mechanisms of customers using Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA).
Standard 2G technologies of the most widely used today are GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication), as the majority of mobile phones in use today. GSM operates on the frequencies 900, 1800 and 1900 MHz. GSM also supports data communication speed 14.4 kbps.
GSM history begins with the holding of the post and telegraph conferences in Europe in 1982. This conference formed a study group called Groupe Special Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a public communication system in Europe. In 1989, this task is left to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the GSM Phase I was launched in mid-1991.
In 1993, there were 36 GSM networks in 22 countries. The uniqueness of the first generation of GSM compared to the SMS service. SMS or Short Message Service is a two-way service for sending short messages of 160 characters. GSM is currently used has entered phase 2.
After 2G, 2.5 G was born generation which is a better version of the second generation. Generation 2.5 has data transfer capabilities faster. Famous of this generation is the GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) and EDGE.
Recently, the trend began to shift mobile communications to the next generation which is predicted to be a mobile communication technologies that promise. 3rd generation or 3G is the latest technology in the mobile world. This generation is more known as UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunication System) or WCDMA (Wideband - coded division multiple access). The advantages of this new generation is located in the data transfer speed reaches 384 kbps outdoors and 2 Mbps for indoor applications.
In addition, this generation can provide multimedia services such as internet, video streaming, video telephony, and others better. This third generation CDMA technology that originally came from the United States military technology and dedicated to the IS-95 standard. Several patents on networks they are now based on CDMA technology, Qualcomm Inc. owned., So that equipment makers to pay royalties.
CDMA technology to make the capacity of a cell becomes larger than the GSM system for the CDMA system, each communication call has a specific code that allows many customers to use the same radio resources without interference and cross talk interference. Radio source in this case is the frequency and time slots are provided for each cell.
System CDMA-based wireless communication was first used in 1995 and until now, CDMA is the main rival of the GSM system in many countries. In 1999, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) chose CDMA as a technology standard for third generation (3G). CDMA variant is widely used WCDMA and TD-SCDMA.
In May 2001 there were already 35 million CDMA subscribers worldwide. And in the year 2003, there were 100 million subscribers who use CDMA around the world. The principal advantage is owned by third generation is the ability to transfer data faster or have a high bit rate.
The high bit rate has caused many CDMA operators can provide a variety of multimedia applications better and more varied, and the main attraction for customers. Just imagine, only with a phone, we have a camera facility, video, computers, stereos and radios. In addition, various entertainment facilities can be enjoyed as a video clip, traffic conditions in real time, teleconference, even just booked the restaurant, simply by pressing the button on the phone.
When we sit at home too, we still can do many things without having to get out of the room, such as checking bank balances, pay college tuition for the children, ordering food and others. That's all it's not impossible for the third generation.
In the long run, CDMA and other technologies such as GSM will be compared based on the total cost per customer from the network infrastructure and mobile phone prices. With 3G, cheap and qualified communication rather than mere dreams.
Sabtu, 06 Februari 2010
Nokia E71
quadband, hsdpa, w-lan, a-gps
camera 3.2 megapixel, autofocus
internal memory 110 mb
up to 16 million colors
Rp. 5.490.000,-

The E71 looks more like a Blackberry killer, but don't be fooled: This great white hope from Finland is a smart device that gives the iPhone a run for its money in a lot of different areas (yes, really).
Despite its obvious lack of an oversized touchscreen interface, Nokia wins points for a remarkably trim profile (10mm vs. 12.3mm), decent 3.2-megapixel camera (instead of 2.0), and the fact it's not tied to any carrier (yet). Most of all, we're stoked they avoided the overcrowded iClone bandwagon by sticking to what they do best: gorgeous hardware packed with a satisfying range of fun(ctional) features.
Setting up Nokia's Mail for Exchange program required no IT help or time. QuickOffice let us create, edit and send Word/Excel/PowerPoint files on the fly while we browsed PDFs with Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The E71 is stocked with enough apps and goodies to keep even the most overworked road warrior on the ball, but it didn't feel too "business." That's mostly due to the fact that the E71 has two separate customizable home screens. One is designed to house all of your work apps like Excel and PowerPoint while the other is geared more towards entertainment with programs for audio, video and gaming. Switching between the two is dead simple, a dedicated button at the top of the menu lets you toggle between the two screens instantly.
The phone's 2.36-inch, 320 x 240 QVGA display is only slightly smaller than the iPod Classic's, and though the resolution can't top the iPhone's, with 15 fps, the E71 is still solid for YouTube clips. The slightly rejiggered QWERTY took some getting used to (the Q-A-Z keys are flush with the chassis), but the learning curve was significantly faster than any touchscreen we've tapped: After three days of iPhoning, typos were relatively common. After three hours with the E71, they're pretty much nonexistent. Oh, and did we mention the E71's got battery life for days? Yes, literally three of them.
WIRED: Up to 8 GB in an easy-to-access, external microSD slot. Quick and seamless OS. GPS, 3G, WiFi, Bluetooth (you name it, it's basically got it). Vivid screen (even in direct sunlight). Textured stainless steel backing prevents slippage. Relatively lightweight (127 grams = 6 grams lighter than iPhone). Hit any letter on the QWERTY pad and predictive text calls up that section of your address book.
TIRED: No standard 3.5mm headphone jack. 3.2-megapixel camera's optics could be better. LED flash could be way better. N-Gage gaming platform not available. Screen's wide, but not wide enough to do a feature-length film justice. For $500, you could get TWO 8-GB, 3G JesusPhones (with $100 left over to put toward AT&T's data plan).You want to sell electrical pulses? Guaranteed low prices, the process is quick and complete stock of ...... contact ym : or telephone 085221035003, 081903673355, 0284-5862672 Read More......
Jumat, 22 Januari 2010
Teknik Jumper Nokia 8210 and Nokia 2100
Kali ini Wahana Ponsel dan Raja Ponsel akan memberikan sedikit mengenai teknik juper untuk ponsel nokia 8210, 8250, 2100, 3610, 5210, 8850, karena pada dasarnya semua ponsel ini sama, baik dari segi komponen maupun jalurnya, banyak dari rekan – rekan yang sudah bergabung di forum Raja Ponsel telah mengetahui hal tersebut, namun banyak pula rekam – rekan kita yang lain belum mengetahui hal ini, teknik jumper tersebut bisanya akan digunakan pada saat kerusakan ponsel putus jalur.Cara jumper sakelar On of :
* Dua jalur diatas terhubung dengan ground
* Dua jalur dibawah hubungkan pada R118 pada kaki sebelah kanan.
Terjadi putus jalur pada UI ( user interface )
Cara jumper No dering :
* Hubungkan titik buzzer Vbat ( VB ) pada konektor baterai pada PCB
* Hubungkan titik buzzer kaki pertama dengan kaki UI no 6
Terjadi putus jalur Vibrator ( getar )
Cara jumper no getar
* Hubungkan pin sebelah kiri ke jalur Vbat ( VB)
* Hubungkan pin sebelah kanan pada kaki UI no 16
Terjadi putus jalur LED ( lampu ) LCD
Cara jumper no LED pada LCD
* Hubungkan titik positif LED pada kaki UI no 9
Terjadi putus jalur LED ( lampu ) keypad
Cara jumper No LED pada keypad
* Hubungkan titik positif LED pada kaki UI no 13
Catt : untuk lebih mudah nya anda dapat menghubungkan LED yang mati pada LED yang masih hidup.cek menggunakan multimeter jalur positif atau negatif yang putus dan hubungkan pada jalur yang sama pada LED yang nyala.
Terjadi putus jalur pada speaker
Cara jumper No voice pada speaker :
* Hubungkan lingkaran dalam ( EARN ) pada L272 diatas IC audio ( cobba )
* Hubungkan lingkaran luar ( EARP ) pada L271 diatas Ic Cobba
Terjadi putus jalur pada Microphone
Cara jumper No voice pada mic :
* Hubungkan titik negatif ( sebelah kiri ) pada ground
* Hubungkan titik positif ( sebelah kanan ) pada R268 yang terletak dibawah IC audio lalu ke C263
Terjadi no sinyal pada switch antenna.
Cara jumper switch antenna :
* Hubungkan titik 3 ke titik 15
* Hubungkan titik 9 ketitik 15
Dengan trik jumper ini anda tidak memerlukan switch antenna lagi tetapi tidak dianjurkan menggunakan dalam jangka waktu lama karena akan merusak kinerja IC sinyal yang lain.
Terjadi no sinyal atau sinyal tidak stabil pada IC PA
Cara jumper :
* Hubungkan Vbat ( VB ) pada IC PA kaki no 3
* Hubungkan Vbat ( VB ) pada IC PA kaki no 6
Terjadi putus jalur Vbat yang menyebabkan ponsel mati total
Cara jumper :
* Hubungkan Vbat ( VB ) pada L103
* Hubungkan L103 pada C 151 { kanan atas IC power (ccont ) }
Terjadi putus jalur charging :
Cara jumper :
* Hubungkan titik negatif ( - ) sebelah kanan pada ground
* Hubungkan titik positif ( + ) sebelah kiri pada F101 lalu ke L104
Auto Charging
Cara jumper :
* Hubungkan R131 ke C105 serta cek juga jalur VB
Terjadi putus jalur keypad/ tombol
Cara mengetahui jalur keypad :
* Row = lingkaran dalam
* Col = lingkaran luar
Jalur yang terhubung pada Row 0 : Send dan End
Jalur yang terhubung pada Row 1 : Left , Panah atas , Panah bawah dan Right
Jalur yang terhubung pada Row 2 : 1 , 4 , 7 dan *
Jalur yang terhubung pada Row 3 : 2 , 5 , 8 dan 0
Jalur yang terhubung pada Row 4 : 3 , 6 , 9 dan #
Jalur yang terhubung pada Col 1 : left ,1 , 2 , dan 3
Jalur yang terhubung pada Col 2 : 6 , 5 , 4 , Panah atas dan Send
Jalur yang terhubung pada Col 3 : 9 , 8 , 7 , Panah bawah dan End
Jalur yang terhubung pada Col 4 : # , 0 , * , dan Right
Cara jumper :
Hubungkan kabel jumper sesuai bagan yang ada jika putus jalur Row maka hubungkan dengan lingkaran dalam setelah dicek menggunakan multimeter dan diketahui jalur row yang putus
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
Istilah Ponsel Yang [Mungkin] Belum Anda Tahu
Meski tidak terlalu baru, istilah ponsel atau hanhpone berikut saya kira penting untuk di ketahui.
1G – HP Generasi Pertama
Saat ini Ponsel/HP generasi pertama sudah sangat ketinggalan jaman. Ditandai dengan buruknya sambungan percakapan, kurangnya keamanan dan kapasitasyang rendah. Entah apakah HP jenis ini masih ada yang mengoleksinya. Meski demikian, HP generasi pertama ini tetap berjasa besar karena dari sinilah cikal bakal HP yang lebih canggih terus tumbuh!
2G – HP Generasi Kedua
Jaringan telepon 2G (sering dikaitkan dengan GSM) masih digunakan di berbagai belahan dunia. 2G menawarkan kualitas suara dengan bit rate tinggi, tingkat enkripsi yang berbeda dan pengiriman teks SMS, meski masih terbatas dalam soal komunikasi data.
Ponsel/HP 2.5G generasi transisi antara teknologi 2G and 3G, menawarkan kapasitas transmisi data yang lebih besar sehingga meningkatkan layanan data seperti GPRS. GPRS membolehkan penyedia jaringan untuk menarik biaya berdasarkan jumlah data yang dikirim dan bukan dari lamanya waktu koneksi.
3G – HP Generasi Ketiga
Jaringan telepon 3G diperkenalkan untuk pertamakalinya di Jepang pada tahun 2001, dan ejak saat itu secara bertahap menyebar ke seluruh dunia. Ponsel/HP generasi ketiga ini mampu menerima data pada tinggkat yang jauh lebih tinggi dibanding teknologi sebelumnya. 3G juga mendukung aplikasi yang boros dalam penggunaan bandwidth seperti video conference, akes internet dengan kecepatan tinggi, mendownload MP3 dengan cepat, dan streaming audio dengan kualitas prima.
Durasi atau lamanya panggilan yang dihitung sejak saat Anda berhasil melakukan panggilan hingga saat Anda menutup telepon.
Batere alias alat penyuplai daya bagi telepon yang bisa diisi (charge) ulang. Nickel Metal Hydride batteries (NiMH) sangat ringan namun memiliki kapasitas besar dan bisa diisi ulang (recharged) dalam waktu yang relatif singkat.
Battery Status/Battery
Status Batarai Anda yang biasanya ada di pojok kanan atau kiri layar, yang menunjukkan banyak sedikitnya energi listrik yang disimpan di dalam hanphone.
Bluetooth memungkinkan transmisi data tanpa kabel (wireless) diantara peralatan-peralatan seperti HP, komputer dan PDA. Protokol Bluetooth diberi nama sesuai dengan nama raja Denmark jaman dahulu, Harald Bluetooth. Bluetooth memungkinkan Anda mengirim dan berbagi data dengan peralatan lainnya dalam jarak sekitar satu meter.
Call Barring
Fitur call barring memungkinkan Anda bisa melakukan blok pada panggilan masuk dan panggilan keluar.
Call Divert
Fitur yang sangat berguna sehingga Anda bisa mengalihkan panggilan dari HP Anda ke telepon lainnya.
Call Hold
Dengan fitur ini, Anda tidak perlu menutup hubungan telepon, meski pada saat yang sama Anda juga melakukan panggilan atau menerima telepon lain.
Caller Identification
Fitur yang menampilkan nomor dari orang yang menelepon Anda – meski demikian, ada nomor-nomor tertentu yang tidak bisa ditampilkan.
Call Timer
Fitur Call Timer mencatat durasi pembicaraan Anda sehingga Anda tidak perlu lagi berkerut kening saat Anda membayar telepon di akhir bulan!
Untuk bisa menelepon dari HP, tentu harus ada sinyal dari jaringan penyedia layanan yang Anda gunakan. Jaringan ini tentu saja tidak bisa mencakup semua wilayah yang jauh. Idealnya, penyedia layanan jaringan ini akan menyediakan peta cakupan (coverage map) yang menunjukkan di wilayah mana saja kita bisa menggunakan layanan mereka.
Data Cable
Kabel yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan HP Anda dengan peralatan lain seperti komputer misalnya, sehingga Anda bisa mentransfer file seperti foto atau audio.
Data Card
Sebuah kartu data yang disisipkan pada laptop Anda. Dengan alat ini kita bisa mengakses internet lewat HP. Ini cocok bagi para pebisnis yang sering membutuhkan konektivitas internet ketika sedang berada di perjalanan.
Data Connectivity
Konektivitas data mengacu kepada kemampuan HP Anda untuk dihubungkan dengan peralatan lain seperti PC atau HP yang lain. Konektivitas data biasanya dicapai melalui protokol tanpakabel (wireless)seperti Bluetooth, atau bisa juga melalui Data Cable.
Di masa lalu semua HP menggunakan teknologi analog yang sekarang dianggap kuno – menghasilkan kualitas suara yang buruk dan keamanan yang lemah. Saat ini semua handphone menggunakan sinyal digital sehingga menghasilkan kualitas panggilan dan keamanan yang prima. Sebagai tambahan, telepon digital juga bisa digunakan untuk rangkaian aplikasi yang lebih luas seperti akses internet.
Digital Zoom
Digital zoom sering kita temukan pada HP dengan kamera, yang cara kerjanya adalah membesarkan bagian gambar yang dipilih dengan melakukan manipulasi secara digital. Ini kurang lebih mirip dengan cara kerja software gambar yang bisa merubah ukuran gambar dan memperbesarnya. Foto kemungkinan kan menurun kualitas gambarnya setelah melalui proses ini, terutama pada large zoom. Zoom jenis kedua yang terdapat pada kamera adalah is optical zoom, pada fitur ini, pembesaran dilakukan oleh lensa yang biasanya terlihat bergerak keluar-masuk.
Document Viewers
Fitur Document Viewer alias pengintip dokumen yang sangat berguna, terdapat pada jenis HP yang lebih canggih. Dengan fitur ini pemakai bisa membuka dokumen dari berbagai aplikasi seperti Microsoft Word, Excel, Access dan Adobe Acrobat. Sangat bermanfaat terutama bagi pembisnis.
Dual Band
Merujuk pada kemampuan jenis HP tertentu untuk beroperasi pada dua frekuensi yang berbeda, misalnya 900MHz dan 1800 MHz.
EDGE adalah metode transmisi data yang 2-3 kali lebih cepat dari GPRS sehingga bisa melakukan transfer data 3G. EDGE adalah singkatan dari Enhanced Data for Global Evolution. Seperti juga GPRS, biaya penggunaa Edge ini ditentukan berdasarkan jumlah megabytes yang di-download dan bukan dihitung dari waktu koneksi. Penggunaan EDGE sangat ideal untuk aplikasi yang membutuhkan bandwidth besar seperti video streaming dan men-download MP3.
GPS adalah kependekan dari Global Positioning System – suatu sistem navigasi satelit yang memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menunjukkan suatu lokasi secara tepat. Cocok bagi mereka yang suka beraktivitas di alam bebas, yang suka bepergian, serta mereka yang banyak menghabiskan waktu di jalanan.
GPRS adalah singkatan dari General Packet Radio Service yang memungkinkan pengiriman dan penerimaan data melalui jaringan handphone. Biayapenggunaan GPRS dihitung berdasakan jumlah megabyte yang di-download dan bukan dari lamanya waktu koneksi. GPRS memungkinkan para pengguna handphone untuk mengakses Internet, mengirim email, menggunakan pesan-pesan multimedia dan sebagainya.
GSM adalah singkatan dari Global System for Mobile Communication – yakni suatu standar komunikasi digital yang dirancang untuk menggantikan sistem analog. Saat ini digunakan oleh lebih dari 70% jaringan hand phone di seluruh dunia.
Jaringan hand phone yang beroperasi pada frekuensi GSM 900MHz – di Inggris misalnya, digunakan oleh Vodafone dan O2.
Jaringan hand phone yang beroperasi pada frekuensi GSM 1800MHz – di Inggris digunakan oleh Orange dan T-Mobile.
IMEI adalah singkatan dari International Mobile Equipment Identity. Ini merupakan nomor identitas unik yang diberikan untuk handphone, mirip dengan plat nomor mobil. Operator jaringan bisa mengunakan nomor ini untuk memblokir sebuah handphone yang dicuri.
Infrared atau infra merah memungkinkan konektivitas data tanpa kabel diantara HP dengan peralatan lain seperti laptop. Port infrared di kedua alat tersebut harus disesuaikan sebelum transfer dilakukan.
Internet Browser
software untuk menjelajah internet. Saat ini semakin banyak HP yang dilengkapi dengan perambah internet untuk keperluan ini.
Java adalah bahasa pemrograman yang memungkinkan program-program kecil bisa di-instal dan dijalankan di HP Anda. Program-program kecil ini sering disebut sebagai midlet dan bisa di-downloaded secara gratis maupun berbayar di internet.
Media Players
Media players program software yang di-instal pada HP tertentu sehingga pemakainya bisa mendengarkan audio atau nonton video. Contohnya: Windows Media Player.
Megapixel Camera
Kamera megapiksel terapat pada banyak jenis HP dan mampu menghasilkan gambar dengan resolusi tinggi yang layak cetak.
Memory Card
Memory digunakan untuk menyimpan data eperti nomor telepon, gambar, dan audio pada HP Anda. Pada beberapa jenis HP tertentu, memori ini bisa di-upgrade agar bisa menyimpan lebih banyak data.
MMS singkatan dari Multimedia Messaging Service (layanan pengiriman pesan multimedia). Dengan fitur ini, penggunanya bisa mengirim teks, suara, gambar dan bahkan video di dalam sebuah pesan.
MP3 Player
Aplikasi software pada jenis HP tertentu untuk mendengarkan audio berformat MP3.
Network Provider
Perusahaan yang mengoperasikan layanan jaringan. Ada lima jaringan besar di Inggris, yakni Three, Vodafone, O2, Orange and T-Mobile.
Kebanyakan HP saat ini dilengkapi dengan aplikasi phonebook atau buku telepon. Gunanya untuk menyimpan daftar nama dan nomor telepon.
PIN merupakan 4 digit kode keamanan untuk HP Anda. Kode PIN ini bisa digunakan untuk mencegah penggunaan HP oleh orang-orang yang tidak berhak. Kode ini juga bisa dirubah kapan saja oleh pemilik HP.
Polyphonic Ringtones
Ringtone yang bisa memperdengarkan lebih dari satu nada pada saat yang bersamaan.
Predictive Text
Fitur predictive text ini membuat proses penulisan pesan menjadi lebih mudah dan sederhana karena bisa memprediksi huruf yang akan kita tulis berdasarkan pengenalan program terhadap kata-kata. Sayangnya belum ada predictive text versi bahasa indonesia, sehingga fitur ini malah agak menyulitkan ketika kita menulis pesan dalam bahasa indonesia.
PUK adalah singkatan dari personal unblocking code (kode pribadi untuk membuka blokir). Jika Anda berulangkali memasukkan kode PIN yang salah pada HP yang diproteksi, maka HP tersebut akan diblokir oleh provider jaringan. Untuk membuka blokir tersebut diperlukan PUK yang biasanya terdiri dari delapan digit.
Quad Band
HP dengan quad bisa dioperasikan pada 4 frekuensi, sehingga HP tersebut bisa dipakai di lebih banyak negara.
Roaming adalah kemampuan untuk membuat dan menerima panggilan pada saat Anda berada di luar wilayah cakupan jaringan tempat Anda terdaftar. Bahkan Anda bisa saja menggunakan HP di luar negeri jika ada ‘roaming agreements’ antara provider jaringan Anda dengan provider jaringan di luar negeri.
SAR adalah singkatan dari Specific Absorption Rate, yakni unit pengukuran yang dirancang untuk mengetahui jumlah frekuensi radio yang terserap oleh tubuh manusia pada saat menggunakan handphone.
Screensaver adalah program komputer yang pada awalnya didisain untuk melindungi kualitas gambar dengan cara mengosongkan layar, atau mengisinya dengan gambar bergerak ketika komputer tidak digunakan. Sekarang, screensaver bisa ditemukan pada handphone. Selain karena tujuan keamanan, program ini digunakan sebagai sarana hiburan.
SIM Card
SIM adalah singkatan dari subscriber identity module alias modul identitas pelanggan. SIM card merupakan kartu kecil yang disisipkan ke dalam handphone dan digunakan jaringan telepon untuk mengidentifikasi handset Anda. SIM card juga bisa menyimpan data seperti pesan berupa tulisan dan buku telepon.
Smartphone adalah HP yang menggabungkan fitur handphone dan PDA (personal digital assistant). Cocok bagi para pebisnis dan artis.
SMS adalah singkatan dari Short Message Service (Layanan Pesan Singkat) yang gunanya untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan berupa tulisan singkat, Kalo ini semua paham he..hee.
Speaker Phone
Pengeras suara pada HP sehingga kita bisa mendengarkan percakapan tanpa harus mendekatkan receiver ke telinga kita.
Standby Time
Rentang waktu yang dimiliki batere sejak saat dicharge penuh hingga habis dalam keadaan standby (tidak digunakan).
Kemampuan untuk menikmati sajian audio atau video di HP Anda secara ‘live’ (langsung) tanpa harus men-downloadnya terlebih dahulu.
Kelompok perusahaan yang terdiri dari Sony Ericsson, Nokia dan Psion. Symbian mengkhususkan diri pada pengembangan sistem operasi untuk handphone dan PDA (personal digital assistant.)
Juga dikenal sebagai predictive text input – yang membuat proses menulis pesan menjadi lebih sederhana dan cepat. Ini terjadi gara-gara programnya bisa memperkirakan apa huruf yang akan kita ketikkan berikutnya berdasarkan pengenalan program terhadap kata.
Talk Time
Talk time adalah jumlah keseluruhan waktu bicara Anda sebelum batere perlu diisi kembali (recharged).
Mengacu pada struktur penentuan harga yang ditawarkan provider jaringan. Biasanya jaringan menawarkan tarif yang bervariasi tergantung kebutuhan pelanggan yang berbeda-beda. Tarif tertentu mungkin sesuai bagi mereka yang tidak terlalu aktif menggunakan telepon, sementara tarif yang lain lebih sesuai bagi mereka yang aktif. Tarif ini pada umumnya juga termasuk telepon dan SMS gratis dalam jumlah tertentu, serta harga pulsa per menit untuk tagihan bulanan. Memilih tarif yang sesuai dengan keperluan Anda akan membantu Anda menekan biaya telepon bulanan.
Text Messaging
Kemampuan untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan pendek atau kita kenal dengan SMS. Hampir semua handphone saat ini memiliki fasilitas tersebut.
Handphone Tri-band bisa dioperasikan pada tiga frekuensi GSM yang berbeda – GSM900, GSM1800, dan GSM1900. HP jenis ini bisa digunakan di lebih banyak negara.
UMTS adalah singkatan dari Universal Mobile Telephone System atau dikenal juga sebagai 3G.
Vibrating Alert
Sebagian besar handphone dilengkapi dengan fitur vibrating alert (getaran) untuk memberitahu adanya telepon masuk – cocok untuk keadaan dimana bunyi panggilan masuk akan mengganggu orang lain, misalnya saat berada di bioskop.
Video Calling
Kemampuan untuk melakukan panggilan video 2 arah melalui HP. Untuk melakukannya dibutuhkan handset 3G.
Voice Dial
Voice dial adalah fitur yang tersedia pada beberapa jenis HP yang membuat pemiliknya bisa melakukan panggilan telepon hanya dengan menyebutkan nama orang yang akan ditelepon. Begitu nama yang dimaksud diucapkan, HP akan secara otomatis menelepon orang tersebut.
Kemampuan untuk menerima rekaman pesan suara pada saat HP tidak aktif, atau ketika Anda tidak mengangkat telepon.
Banyak handphone yang latar belakang layarnya bisa diganti-ganti desainnya. Nah desain latar belakang layar ini sering disebut wallpaper.
WAP adalah singkatan dari Wireless Application Protocol yang membuat pengguna HP bisa mengakses layanan informasi melalui telepon mereka – mirip dengan browsing pada sebuah halaman web.
Kemampuan untuk terhubung ke sebuah jaringan wireless (tanpa kabel) berkecepatan tinggi – biasanya terdapat pada handphone yang lebih canggih.
10 Tips BlackBerry Yang Wajib Anda Ketahui!
Di era serba canggih saat ini perkembangan dunia ponsel dan komunikasi semakin hebat. Sampai ketika BlackBerry atau smartphone masuk kepasaran langsung menyedot pecinta gadget untuk memilikinya. Namun, ada baiknya Anda mengenal benar-benar benda yang Anda gunakan sebelum Anda memilikinya. Simak 10 hal yang perlu Anda ketahui mengenai BlackBerry.
1. Memperbesar Kapasitas BB
Oke, beberapa jenis BlackBerry memiliki kapasitas 64 MB memory internal. Amat kecil bukan untuk gadget-ers seperti Anda. Sebenarnya, Anda bisa kok mengakali bagaimana memperbesar kapasitas tersebut, caranya memang agak rumit. Yang pertama Anda perlu perhatikan adalah, sortir aplikasi BB Anda. Jangan menyimpan aplikasi yang hanya dipakai satu kali. Hindari juga aplikasi yang terus menyala seperti Google Mail atau Yahoo Messenger. Gunakan ketika ingin digunakan dan jangan aktifkan automatically connect. Biasakan menghapus pesan dalam inbox juga email. Dan Jangan menyimpan Log History chatting dari YM, GTalk, BB Messenger dll. Bila BB mulai lemot atau lambat, restart. Atau Anda juga bisa menginstall OS BB Anda dan pilih seperlunya saja. Jadi Anda tidak perlu install language2, MDS, DOD Certificate, Password Keeper, Blackberry Maps bila tidak ada GPS, BrickBreaker dan Document To Go.
2. PIN, PIN dan PIN!
Hal terunik dari BlackBerry tentu saja PIN!. Nah, PIN ini seperti sidik jari yang tidak bisa diubah-ubah. Bila Anda baru membelinya hal pertama yang harus Anda lakukan adalah mencari nomor PIN tersebut. . Caranya, masuk ke ikon Option –> Status di layar ini Anda akan temui PIN Anda. Banyak pengguna tidak menyadari setiap menerima atau mengirim sesuatu dari BB, nomor PIN digunakan, baik pada saat browsing, menerima dan reply email dll. Karna, tugas PIN adalah mempercepat proses pengiriman data.
3. Wizard Setup
Ketika menerima BB pertama kali menyalakannya, BB otomatis menjalankan Setup Wizard. Tapi, kebanyakan orang tidak sabar menggunakannya jadi tidak perduli dengan menjalankannya. Padahal sangat penting!. BB baru umumnya dipersiapkan dalam berbagai bahasa. Tiap bahasa memakan memori. Jika ingin menggunakan 1 bahasa saja, pastikan Anda memilihnya pada saat Setup pertama dinyalakan. Jadi, bahasa lain akan terhapus otomatis dan kapasitas momori menjadi lebih besar.
4. Pakai Autotext
Mekanisme autotext sangatlah pintar. Ia akan mengenali setiap kata yang Anda tulis. Uniknya lagi setiap Anda melakukan kesalahan autoteks secara otomatis akan membenarkannya ketika Anda menekan spasi. Dengan begitu dapat mempercepat proses pengetikan. Misal Anda ingin memberitahu seseorang untuk segera menghubungi Anda. Anda bisa mengetik “Please call me at mynumber [spasi]” dan nantinya orang yang menerimanya akan menerima nomor Anda. Nah, bisa juga Anda menyimpan pesan selayaknya Draft tapi digabungkan kembali ke pesan baru dengan kode saved yang Anda buat misal “Temui saya, alamat1 [spasi]”. Nah, alamat yang Anda sudah simpan jauh hari akan langsung terkirim. Mudah bukan?!
5. Shortcut!
Setiap handphone tentunya memiliki shortcut, tidak luput juga BB Anda. Di BlackBerry ada banyak shortcut yang dapat dipakai untuk mempercepat pengetikan Anda. Misalnya, tekan dua kali spasi akan menjadi titik dan 1 spasi. Tekan huruf dan tahan akan menjadi kapital, dan akan terus menjadi kapital seterusnya setelah Anda menekan titik. Mengetik web dan email Anda cukup menekan spasi untuk shortcut (dot) dan (@) contoh www[spasi]indosat[spasi]com.
6. Download dan Install BlackBerry Desktop Software
Sebenarnya Anda bisa menggunakan BB tanpa menginstall program apapun ke PC atau komputer Anda. Tapi, apabila Anda menginstall juga software ini kedalam komputer pemindahan file dan sinkronisasi akan lebih mudah. Dan juga menghilangkan kemungkinan tidak terbacanya file Anda.
7. Modem!
Kerennya BlackBerry adalah bisa digunakan sebagai modem komputer dengan kabel USB atau dengan Bluetooth. Nah, caranya cukup mudah kok. Anda hanya perlu menyambungkan BB dengan komputer Anda memakai USB atau Bluetooth. Setelah itu, masuk ke modem properties di control panel. Yang perlu Anda cek adalah diagnostic modem. Apakah terdetect atau tidak. Apabila OK, masuk kedalam extra command string (at+cgdcont=1,"IP","indosatgprs"). Setelah masuk baru Anda create network connection, pilih modem, dan dial number: *99#. Isi username & password sesuai option (indosat). Baru deh bisa nge-net seharian.
8. Password
Kebanyakan pengguna malas mengaktifkan fitur password untuk melindungi BlackBerry miliknya. Alasannya sederhana, karena mereka malas untuk mengetik password ketika harus meng-unlocked BlackBerry saat menggunakannya. Padahal, fitur ini sangat penting untuk menjaga keamanan BB Anda. Dan caranya pun cukup mudah. klik Menu [Option] – [Security Options] – [General Setting] kemudian set Password pada posisi Enable.
9. Enkripsi Data
Setiap BlackBerry Anda bisa menyimpan kerahasiaan system Bluetooth maupun nomor penting. Nah, dengan mengaplikasikan fitur ini, Anda akan dapat menjaga kerahasiaan nomor-nomor penting dan rahasia agar lebih aman. Caranya, klik Menu [Option] – [Security Options] – [General Setting] pada Content Protection set Enable kemudian pilih Strenght pada posisi strong, stronger atau strongest sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.
10. Ubah Garis Sinyal Jadi Digital!
Agak kesulitan memang mengetahui seberapa kuat sinyal yang kita dapatkan. Kalau biasanya sinyal berupa garis biasa, kini bisa diubah menjadi digital atau angka!. Angka tersebut menunjukkan kekuatan sinyal Blackberry dalam satuan decibels per milliwatt (dBm). Caranya sangat mudah. Tekan dan tahan ALT, kemudian ketik 'NMLL'. Kelima garis sinyal tersebut akan langsung berubah menjadi angka yang menunjukkan satuan dBm. Angka -45 sampai dengan -85 menandakan sinyal 'kuat'. Saat angka melebihi -85 menuju ke -100, berarti sinyal akan semakin lemah. Untuk mengembalikan tampilan garis sinyal, cukup lakukan hal yang sama. Ingat: Tekan dan tahan ALT, kemudian ketik 'NMLL'.
Selamat mencoba.
Senin, 11 Januari 2010
TIARATECH MEDIA adalah Authorized Distributor voucher elektronik berlokasi di PEMALANG sebagai penyalur pulsa isi ulang baik GSM maupun CDMA dengan harga lebih murah, transaksi cepat dan akurat.
Fokus kami adalah merekrut Dealer dari seluruh pelosok tanah air. Jadi siapapun Anda dan dimanapun anda berada bisa bergabung bersama TIARATECH MEDIA.
Ada ratusan bahkan ribuan situs sejenis yang terlibat aktif dalam ceruk bisnis pulsa online ini. Oleh karena itu dalam persaingan yang demikian ketat, kami berusaha memberikan yang terbaik kepada para Dealer. Baik dalam hal pelayanan maupun dalam penentuan harga.
Banyak keuntungan yang bisa Anda peroleh jika bergabung bersama kami. Anda mendapatkan harga pulsa yang jauh lebih murah dari harga pasar secara umum. Baik digunakan untuk keperluan Anda sendiri, suami/istri, kerabat atau untuk dijual kepada orang lain. Sama untungnya.
Anda juga bisa mendapatkan penghasilan dari bisnis pulsa baik secara online maupun offline. Dengan system dan strategi bisnis yang berbeda, kami berupaya memberikan harga termurah. Anda masih bisa melakukan mark up tanpa takut harga yang sampai ke konsumen menjadi mahal. Anda bisa menentukan sendiri harga ini kepada para pelanggan.
Pendek kata, bergabunglah bersama TIARATECH MEDIA sekarang, jangan sampai anda ketinggalan dengan yang lain. Nikmati income melimpah dari bisnis pulsa. telp 085221040923 081903673355
Ini dia handphone-handphone masa depan. Designya futuristik dan multi fungsi. Kayaknya nggak berapa lama lagi pasti keluar deh….
The development of wireless radio standard on mobile devices is increasing.
Until now, mobile phone manufacturers (HP) still face difficulties when adding
new electronic circuit for the desired radio interface. HP currently integrated with
one chip for 3G (UMTS in Europe and Japan, CDMA-2000 in the U.S.), one chip
2G (usually GSM), single-chip Bluetooth and sometimes one chip to
GPS. In other words, there is no benefit that can be taken as fact processing
radio computing based on common standards and not by radio. This
linear effect of the increase in manufacturing cost, power consumption and size
device / mobile phone. Software Radio [1] offers the same new evolution with the
Proceeding Innovative Writing Olympics (Okti) 2009
evolution of the personal computer that is using the processor for computing the radio,
so the phone can change the radio standards simply by re-programming
processornya. These simple ideas make an impact and challenges on several
technology. New paradigm of an ideal radio software known as the Software
Defined Radio (SDR) as described in 0. SDR uses some processing
components (not just one processor) to share the computing process. So topic
research related to this discussion is about the future mobile phone design
microprocessor-based support with radio komplesitas. In addition, the mobile must
support the new standards in the future, lower power requirements, can
adapt to new features and economical in the use of bandwidth. These issues have an effect
and provide new challenges to the concept of Cognitive Radio (CR) [2].
We focus our research on the design architecture for efficient management
reconfiguration requirements on processing hardware components required by the features
CR cognitive device.
This paper consists of 5 parts, part 2 brief history of evolution of radio technology standards
mobile. Section 3 of the cognitive radio system, explains the concept of radio, the process of reconfiguration
the CR devices, and SDR from the SDR hardware approach. Section 4
explain the concept we tawarakan, management architecture (HDCRAM) also
displays meta-model design with high-level approach. Section 5 describes
about HDCRAM simulator and examples of design sederahana scenario. Last part 6
In this section we want to remind again of the history of mobile communication
(mobile phone). The first generation wireless telephone technology was introduced in 1980.
This first generation telecommunications standard based on analog and only used by
professionals because of cost considerations. The fundamental difference between the two systems
telecommunications 1G and 2G wireless is that the radio signals that 1G networks are
using an analog system, while the 2G network using a digital system. In
1990, second generation (2G) mobile communications systems such as GSM, IS-136 (TDMA), iDEN
and IS-95 (CDMA) began to be introduced. 2G also introduced new services for communications
sound on digital networks. SMS text messaging and the shape of access to media content can be
conducted through HP. 2G makes wireless communication systems become cheaper, the size of
HP getting smaller and mobile. with 2G, HP became increasingly popular in the community. Shortly
after the 2G network developed, research began to focus on third generation systems (3G).
The aim is to improve the transfer of data to support voice services, data
and multimedia such as video streaming. During the development of 3G systems, also developed
2.5 system like the U.S. CDMA2000 1x, EDGE and GPRS in europe and asia, which is
the development of 2G systems. The fourth generation (4G) can also see as 3G, which is
is a new system with new networks and new modulation techniques. Or it could also
considered as a means of combining existing features with wireless broadband
acces, WiFi, Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), video chat, mobile TV, HDTV content,
Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB), Intelligence Transport System (ITS), Global Positioning
System (GPS), and conventional services such as voice and data yangmenggunakan
bandwidth. 4G mobile phone so that a multi-application device is not just
Proceeding Innovative Writing Olympics (Okti) 2009
telephone. Adding intelligence to these devices leads us to the concept of
Cognitive Radio (CR). CR is a continuation of the complexity of the standard 4G radio side.
This we explained in the chapter on how the effects of CR on the design
mobile phone
3. Cognitive RADIO SYSTEM
3.1. Software Defined Radio (SDR)
Radio is all devices that can send and receive wireless signals
using radio frequency (RF) of the electronic spectrum as a facility for
transfer of information. Currently, more commonly known as radio devices such as telephones
cellular, phone, computer, remote cars, vehicles and television. Radio devices have
limited function and can be modified only physically. As a result production costs
increased and limited flexibility in supporting different radio standards.
Conversely, Software Defined Radio technology offers efficiency and provides an efficient
and relatively inexpensive as the solution of these constraints, enabling multi-mode, multi-band and
or multi-functional wireless devices that can be improved by upgrading
Minggu, 10 Januari 2010
Nokia N80 IE, The combination of GSM, 3G WCDMA and Wi-Fi
Nokia launched the series N80 Internet Edition (IE), which is the latest development version of the N80 Nokia phone before. Nokia N80 IE is basically a software upgrade earlier N80 and the basic setup features for VOIP, and basically the Nokia N80 IE is very convenient to use and a reference from the Nokia N80.
Nokia N80 IE has good features such as support GSM, 3G WCDMA, and Wi-Fi 802.11g. There are two cameras available on the Nokia N80 IE, which one is the 3 megapixel camera for photos and a secondary camera that can work for the conference and video calls. Nokia N80 IE has support Wi-Fi is a positive side of the N80 IE, even the BlackBerry is still trying to develop.
The following features of the Nokia N80 IE:
* Operating System: Symbian Series 60 mobile
* Features:
Built in a pile o SIP (session initiation protocol) is integrated in the phone's address book, just choose a contact, and select Internet Call
o There is no separation of VOIP client for downloading problem
o WAP * 2.0 xHTML / HTML / WML multimode browser
o Nokia Web Browser with Mini Map
o Support to the media player, MP3 and AAC audio
o Can play and record video clips
o Office documents (Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel)
o SettingWizard for ease of setting konfgurasi
o high contrast, high resolution screen, equipped with mobile web browser
o POP3/IMAP email client for mobile
o Forms of sliding (and thus more dense)
* Network:
o Quadband EGSM / GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 MHz
o WCDMA 1900 / 2100 MHz
* Data Transfer:
o EGPRS, class B, multislot class 11 (UL / DL = 177.6/236.8 kbps)
o Quadband EDGE / GSM 850/900/1800/1900 + WCDMA 1900/2100 MHz with voice and data packets simultaneously (PS max speed UL / DL = 384/384 kbps, CS max speed 64 kpbs)
* Volume: 97.4 cc
* Weight: 134 g
* Dimensions (HxWxD): 95.4 mm x 50 mm x 26 mm
* Camera:
o Dual camera, 3 megapixel CMOS 2048 x 1536 resolution, 1600 x 1200, 1280 x 960, 800 x 600, 640 x 480 pixels
o camera video call resolution 352 x 288; 176 x 144 pixels
* Connectivity:
o Pop-Port ™ interface with USB 2.0 Full Speed
o Bluetooth wireless technology
o Infrared (IR)
o Local synchronization with PC Suite
o Integrated Wireless LAN (802.11g) and UPnP (Universal Plug and Play)
* Price: USD 347 or Rp3, 5 million
* Advantages:
o Large
o Connectivity is good
Dual camera o
* Disadvantages:
o form a less good sliding
o Design a less attractive